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About the Artist


His SuperFlowers

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VONFLORA introduces a new way to see flowers.

It features original, never-seen-before, meticulously handmade Superflowers that are not found in nature.

As an artist Von Taylor uses parts of real flowers as a medium to transform regular flowers into surreal Superflowers. Each flower design is temporarily a living floral work of art that is captured in colorful photographs that highlight the best features found in flowers.

Overall Superflowers make a unique collection made up of a great variety of flowers including orchids, daisies, lilies, hibiscus, roses, sunflowers, tulips, passifloras and many others.

Von Taylor is a self-taught artist who innovated the use of real flowers as a medium to create a new form of surreal floral art, and his love of nature has inspired him to design & photograph more than 1,000 Superflowers. Most of these flowers have already been published in 4 volumes in the book series, "VONFLORA: 250 SuperFlowers".

You will never again see flowers the same way!

© 2023  Von Taylor  All rights reserved.

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